Nonprofit Management: Volunteer Supervision
Contact: Shelley Oltmans, Community Development Specialist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
Contact info: 319-524-5055 and [email protected]
The Nonprofit Management Academy will hold a course on Nonprofit Management: Volunteer Supervision on Tuesday, March 14 in Keokuk, Iowa. Sue Prochazka of the United Way of the Great River Region Volunteer Center will teach the course. The location of the course has changed and will now be held in the Round Room of the Keokuk Public Library.
Sue Prochazka has 30 years of experience in human services and nonprofit management. She specializes in organizational development and technical assistance to small nonprofits. She is currently employed as the Volunteer Center Coordinator at United Way of the Great River Region and works as a consultant and trainer with the Center for Business at Southeastern Community College.
Volunteer Management for Nonprofits
This session will provide an overview of current trends and best practices in volunteer management. Effective volunteer management can enhance the mission of your pro- gram and give your staff the necessary tools for expanding volunteer opportunities within your organization. Participants will discuss both challenges and strategies for improving an agency’s capacity to use volunteers. The workshop will also include information about special initiatives such as Service Enterprise training and certification.
The last Keokuk session of the Tri-State NPMA will be on Tuesday, April 12th. The second year of the Tri-State NPMA will begin Wednesday, May 10, in Hannibal Missouri. Participants can partake in one or all of the sessions. We welcome anyone seeking professional development in the area of nonprofit management, including staff, management, volunteers, professional association employees, educators, and private sector employees who wish to make a career change to the nonprofit sector.
A new location for sessions has been chosen. Sessions will be hosted at the Round Room at the Keokuk Public Library, located at 201 N 5th Street in Keokuk, Iowa. Classes will be from 9 am – 4 pm with a one hour lunch break on your own. Visit for full course information and to download a registration packet. Please contact Lee County Extension and Outreach at 319-835-5116 or Keokuk Area Chamber of Commerce 319-524-5055. Registration for the Volunteer Management course is open until Friday, March 10.
The first Tri-States Nonprofit Management Academy has been developed by several partners including Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, University of Illinois Extension, University of Missouri Extension, Hannibal-LaGrange University, Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri, United Way, Keokuk Area Community Foundation and Keokuk Area Chamber of Commerce.