Dropbox Files

AICF Downloadable Files

Dropbox Files

Files made available to all AICF members, including topics like: Transfer of Wealth, Endow Illinois, Fourth Friday Calls Information,
Member Contact Info, Sample Marketing Pieces,  Sample Fund Templates, etc.

Access to this folder is only made available to AICF Board Members...
AICF Governance Committee files placed in Dropbox and made available to all AICF members...
Marketing Committee files placed in Dropbox and made available to all AICF members...
Transfer of Wealth Study files placed in Dropbox and made available to all AICF members...
AICF Policy Committee files placed in Dropbox and made available to all AICF members...
AICF Program Committee files placed in Dropbox and made available to all AICF members...